Our Philosophy

We believe that we have a different take on what other would call recruiting or head hunting. We see ourselves as an extension of a company’s in-house talent acquisition function. Or even more so, we believe we can be that part of talent acquisition that always turns out to be so hard for companies to put in to practice.

In this blog we dive into three critical success aspect of hiring the best talent: continuous recruiting, focus on fit and development potential and honesty.

Featured Book: Who – The A Method for Hiring

As you might have picked up, we have borrowed a couple of ideas from this great book by Geoff Smart & Randy Street. Especially the concept of continuous hiring is one that we believe every company with an ambition to grow and become a better version of itself should embrace. The crux is the following: only starting to look for someone when a position opens up is usually too late and leaves a lot up to chance. You are betting that the perfect candidate is jobless or searching for a new position just when you start looking for them.